In-Class Activities
3.7 In-Class Activities
Activity 1
Watch the ripple tank demo in lecture. Play with it in if time allows. Note the interference pattern.
enter the following lines:
\begin{align*} f & =\cos x\\ g & =\cos(x+\phi)\\ f & +g \end{align*}
Click to add slider for \phi the phase angle, and set it to go from 0 to 2\pi. Slide to see how g changes for different values of \phi. Also observe how the superposition of the two waves f+g changes.
Relate the math (graphs on Desmos) and the phenomenum (waves in ripple tank).
Activity 2
Form diffraction patterns using a thin wire, double slits, etc, and a laser.
Activity 3
Watch the photoelectric effect demo in lecture and try it out during tutorial.
Activity 4
Use a diffraction grating to look at various light sources: Gas discharge lamps, LEDS, incandescent light bulb, etc.
Activity 5
Play with the
blackbody simulator. 1
Activity 6
Use a portable spectrometer (OceanOptics) to see the spectrum of sunlight. Think of what is inside a spectrometer.
Activity 7
See electron diffraction demo. Explain the observations.